A fragile earthquake

Three months after his French wife’s cremated body was found in a summer cabin, Daniel Fischer wakes and discovers that all sounds in Copenhagen have disappeared. Things are not  where they were yesterday. The sun shines through windows it has never before shone through. On the streets there are no people, cars are abandoned on the roads, the town hall has collapsed. The strangest thing, however, is that a message…


Spinkelt jordskælv

Morten Brask er tilbage med dystopisk kærlighedshistorie, der tager læseren på en rejse gennem et katastroferamt Europa. Tre måneder efter hans franske hustrus forbrændte lig blev fundet i et sommerhus, vågner Daniel i Måske et spinkelt jordskælv en morgen og opdager, at alle lyde i København er forsvundet. Ting står ikke, hvor de stod i går. Solen skinner gennem vinduer, den aldrig før har skinnet gennem. På gaden er der ingen mennesker, biler står…


Nazi propaganda (free download)

Download gratis et eksemplar af bogen her. Jeg har gennem årene skrevet en del om den nazistiske filmpropaganda. Målgruppen har været forskellig. Nogen har været til grundskolen og gymnasiet, nogen til det mere voksne publikum. Denne bog er mit speciale fra Film- og medievidenskab på Københavns universitet. Den er derfor nok mest egnet for universitetsstuderende eller folk der bare ikke kan få nok af lange fodnoter og analyser. Historisk baggrund:…


The little Savior – Den lille Frelser

An absurd comedy about Social Media. The little Savior (Den lille Frelser) is a satirical novel about Social media and celebrity culture. It’s written under the pseudonyme Martin Bartholdy. The book is illustrated by cartoonist Jens Monrad. Read first chapters here (in Danish). The Little Savior is an absurd comedy about a time when the likes of SoMe are crucial and where people who can do nothing can become world…


William Sidis novel out in South Korea

The perfect Life of William Sidis is now published by the South Korean publishing group Moonhak Soochup Publishing Co., Ltd. / (주)문학수첩 The novel has been published in several European countries, and this is the first publication in Asia. Sidis spoke around 100 languages – but whether Korean was one of them is unknown. But as he learned the grammar of a new language in a week, he probably could…


De døde drenge – et prosadigt

Det sker i en sommer i en ferie i en barndom i et gammelt årti. Jeg løber over marken i mit sollyse hår, løber og løber, beruset af lykke — lykkelig løber jeg, alene, løber jeg, løber fra det de voksne siger, de voksnes ord, jeg flygter fra ordene og stemmerne fra de voksne. Jeg løber mod skoven, mine ben er bare, brune, jeg løber på mine brune bare ben,…


Eventyret om den norske Kok og den søde Risengrød

Der var engang en mægtig kok, der var så fin og så fornem, at hun kun talte norsk. Kokken hed Turid og hun boede i dronningens stad, just midt i de gamle gader. Når folket fra staden gik ture ved aftenstide, så skete det ikke sjældent at de måtte standse under kokken Turids vinduer, for så dejligt duftede der af nybagt brød, af fiskesouflé og af hummer.  – Mærk, sagde…


Excerpt from Sidis novel (English)

Read entire English excerpt here. Imagine being eleven years old. And imagine you are invited to hold a lecture on the forth geometrical dimension at Harvard in front of a horde of math and physic university professors. That’s what happened to the young William James Sidis in 1910. Here is how he started: “My own definition of the fourth dimension would be that it is an Euclidian space with one…


Jøden: Hitlers farligste våben

Antisemitismen – nazisternes propagandavåben     Den 27. januar 1945 nærmede en deling sovjetiske soldater sig koncentrationslejren Auschwitz. De kørte ind gennem hovedporten, hvor ordene Arbeit Macht Frei var svejset fast til portens støbejern og ganske kort tid efter, så de resterne af, hvad der havde været verdens største udryddelseslejr. Der var kun få tusinde fanger tilbage i lejren. For at undgå vidner havde SS-folkene i lejren tvunget størstedelen af fangerne…


Film options on Sidis novel sold

The Los Angeles and New York based movie production company, Ditlev Films, just acquired the options on the novel The perfect Life of William Sidis. The company’s two seasoned executive producers Christian Ditlev and Dan Hoffmann are now looking for collaborations in the U.S film industry. The options acquired are for both motion pictures, TV and TV-serialisation. Dan Hofmann and Christian Ditlev have collaborated with companies like Focus Features, Universal Pictures,…


A girl and a boy published in Russia

Just out. A girl and a boy about a young couples loss of their children is published in Russia at the largest publishing house in the country, Eksmo – Издательство Эксмо. Read more about the novel here.


The William Sidis novel in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

The Swiss based publisher, Nagel Und Kimsche, a part of the large German publishing house, Hanser Verlag, now published The perfect Life of William Sidis. The german tale is, of course, Das Perfekte Leben des William Sidis. The book is now out in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


The Victims

This new novel is a thriller about a violent attack and how it destroys the life of the victims – the woman and the boyfriend. One summer night in central Copenhagen a young lawyer is attacked. A stranger pulls her into a backyard and attacks her brutally. She manages to get home to her boyfriend in a state of shock. They file the crime to the police and she is…


The Victims (Ofrene)

One summer night in central Copenhagen a young lawyer is attacked. A stranger pulls her into a backyard and rapes her brutally. She manages to get home to her boyfriend in a state of schock. They file the rape to the police and she is from this moment they start their journey through the  system. In a split second everything in their lives is changed. The boyfriend know that he…


Sidis novel to be published in Turkey 2017

The Perfect Life of William Sidis is going to be published in Turkey in 2017. It is the Turkish publisher GOA Yayincilik that will bring the novel to Turkish readers. As William Sidis understood around 50-100 languages, chance is that he also knew Turkish. The perfect Life of William Sidis is sold to the French publishing house, Presses de la Cité, the Italian publishing house Iperborea and the Greek publishing…


Winner of Bottari Lattes Grinzani’s literary award 2015

Morten Brask was the winner of Bottari Lattes Grinzanis literary award 2015 for the novel:  “The Perfect Life of William Sidis” (La vita perfetta di William Sidis). The price ceremony took place at the medieval Cavour castle near Torino, where the Bottari Lattes Grinzane foundation has been awarded Italien and internation writers since 1982. The award is dedicated to discover innovative works of fiction. The finalists were Novita Amadei, Dentro c’è…


New book on Nazi cinema

The films of evil is a non-fiction book about the antisemitic nazi cinema. Inside it you find a very thorough analysis of the notorious and extremely hateful films “Jew Süss” and “The eternal Jew”. The book also describe  the roots and nature of Hitler’s and other leading Nazis’ anti-Semitic world view — and how it was conveyed in the films And how the Nazi regime step by step ruled out…


The films of Evil

This is a non-fiction book about the anti-semitic film propaganda in the Third Reich. It is focused on how  the German anti-semitism was conveyed in the nazi cinema and contains thorough analyzations of some of the most hateful film of all times. During his studies in History and Film Science at University of Copenhagen, Morten Brask focused on nazi cinema in general and the anti-semitic films in particular. In The…


Sidis Novel finalist to it’s 3rd Italian literary prize

“La vita perfetta di William Sidis” is a finalist to Premio letterario Bottari Lattes 2015. The latest winners are Nobel Prize winner Patrick Modiano and Martin Amis. The jury’s motivation: The novels were selected on the basis of their literary value and representativeness of the most lively and original trends of contemporary fiction. “The books represent a high standard of Italian and foreign fiction for both the quality of writing…


Tomorrow I stop

For seventeen years Anja Fonseca kept a painful secret. Outwardly she was the always smiling weather host at DR’s channels. When the media wrote about her, they portrayed her as the beautiful and successful woman who were just as good on the red carpet as in the bicycle sadle on the roads. But what no one knew was that Anja Fonseca since his teens has suffered from the serious eating…


Sidis novel nominated for another Italian literary prize

LA VITA PERFETTA DI WILLIAM SIDIS by Morten Brask and translated by Ingrid Basso (Iperborea 2014) is among the five nominees for the Italian literary prize “PREMIO LETTERARIA”. The translator, Ingrid Basso is the nominated for best translator of 2014. About the nomination and the prize Premio Letteraria


Brask awarded “Edoardo Kihlgren” prize for European literature

The Italian version of Morten Brask’s The perfect Life of William Sidis has been awarded with the first prize of Edoardo Kihlgren opera prima per la letteratura europea in Milan 2014. The novel, now in second edition, is published in Italy by Iperborea. The translator into Italian is Ingrid Basso. The literary award  “Premio Edoardo Kihlgren Cariparma for European literature” and the Khilgren award the best Italian literary debut of…


Sidis novel published in Italy

The perfect Life of William Sidis is now out in Italy. It’s translated by Ingrid Basso and published by the Milano-based publishing house, Iperborea. Read about the novel in English here The novel has been awarded the Italian “Edoardo Kihlgren prize for European literature 2014” Read about the prize here It is nominated for the Italian Premio Letteraria 2014 Read about the prize here The book has received a good…


Good Will’ Sidis out in France

The novel about the prodigy William Sidis “The perfect Life of William Sidis” is released in France june 2013. Titled “La Vie parfaite de William Sidis” it is translated by Caroline Berg and published by Presses de la Cité. Read about the novel in English here From the French back cover Dans son deuxième roman, Morten Brask retrace le destin passionnant et tragique de William James Sidis (1898-1944), considéré comme…


A girl and a boy

University of Copenhagen, eight years earlier He sees her for the first time at a lecture. She talks about a she has carried since early childhood, a pain which can only be healed the day she has a child. An island in the Mediterranean Sea, two years earlier From a porch he sees her standing in the shade of date palms in the hotel garden. She holds a naked boy…


The Sea in Theresienstadt republished

The Sea in Theresienstadt (Havet i Theresienstadt) was published in Denmark 2007 and in 2011 in France (Terezin Plage). It’s been sold out for two years in Danish bookstores, but in april 2013 Politiken Publishers are going to reissue the novel in Denmark with a new cover. Read about the novel here. The novel was nominated for the Prix du Roman Fnac and shortlisted for the Prix ​​du Chapitre européen 2011. At…


Sidis novel published in Greece

The perfect Life of William Sidis was published in december 2012 in Greece by the major publishing house, Kedros Publishing, based in Athens.  The novel is translated by Leo Kalyvornas. Read about the novel in English here


Novel on William Sidis in English translation

World’s first novel on the famous child prodigy William Sidis – The perfect life of William Sidis – is in the process of being translated into French, Italian and Greek. Now the novel is being translated into English by American translator Mark Mussari, ph.D in Scandinavian Languages and Literature from University of Washington and writer of books on Murakami, Amy Tan, Shakespeare and popular culture. Read the first English translated chapters…


The perfect Life of William Sidis to be published in France, Greece and Italy

William Sidis himself never travelled outside the United States during his lifetime. Now he is going to Europe. The perfect Life of William Sidis is sold to the French publishing house, Presses de la Cité, the Italian publishing house Iperborea and the Greek publishing house Kedros. Publishing houses in other countries are in the process of reading the book. The book is going to be translated into English during 2012….


The Sea in Theresienstadt out in France

The Sea in Theresienstadt (Havet i Theresienstadt) was published 2011 in France by the Paris located publishing house, Presses de la Cité. In French the novel is titled Terezin Plage, beautifully  translated into the French by Caroline Berg. Even before its publication the novel was  nominated to Prix du Roman Fnac and Prix Chapitre du roman Europeen. Terezin Plage has been well received in France and is now also distributed by the French Bookclub. In…


World’s first novel about William Sidis

Winner of Edoardo Kihlgren first prize for European literature in 2014. Winner of the international Bottari Lattes prize for literature in Italy. Nominated for the literary prize “PREMIO LETTERARIA” in the category best novel translated into Italian. Besides Denmark, the novel has been published in Germany, South Korea, Schwitzerland, France, Greece, Italy, Austria and under consideration to other countries. The perfect Life of William Sidis On a winter morning in…


The Sea in Theresienstadt

Nominated for Prix du Roman Fnac and Prix Chapitre du roman Europeen. A novel about the young Jewish doctor, Daniel Faigel, his years in the concentration camp Theresienstadt outside Prague – and his haunted childhood in the house of a judge and his mad wife. Published in Denmark and France in various editions. The Sea in Theresienstadt Daniel Faigel remembers the light Danish summer days when he as a little…


Journey in the rainy Season

Journey in the rainy Season A travelogue about Morten Brask and Siri Aronsen’s dramatic and beautiful seven-month long journal into the remote Indonesian islands far away from the downtrodden paths of mass tourism. The two authors travelled during the damaging rainy season, when the landscape explodes into green, but roads and bridges are washed away. They visit the king of the forgotten Banda Islands, get a little too close for comfort…
